_dta: 1. HCISMod Report,,,,,,,,,, 2. MEDICARE,,,,,,,,,, 3. 18.1.1 National Summary by Discipline and Episode Type for Billed Charges - PPS,,,,,,,,,, 4. Year: 2009,,,,,,,,,, 5. ( Denials Excluded / Outliers Included ),,,,,,,,,, 6. Thursday, March 10, 2011,,,,,,,,,, 7. hcis200918_1_1 data set up by Jean Roth , jroth@nber.org , 28 Aug 2014 discipline: 1. Passthru Durable Medical Equipment (DME) 2. Home Health Aide (HHAIDE) 3. Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment System (HIPPS) 4. Medical Social Services (MEDSS) 5. Passthru Orthotics & Prosthetics (ORTH) 6. Occupational Therapy (OT) 7. Other (OTH) 8. Other Medical/Surgical Supplies (OTHMEDSRG)" 9. Oxygen (OXY) 10. Physical Therapy (PT) 11. Skilled Nursing (SKN) 12. Speech Pathology (SPEECH) 13. Wound Care (WOUND) obs: 13 vars: 11 28 Aug 2014 05:28 size: 1,495 (_dta has notes) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- storage display value variable name type format label variable label ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- discipline str10 %10s * Discipline full str15 %15s Full scic byte %10.0g Significant Change in Condition (SCIC) pep str13 %13s Partial episode Payment (PEP) scicwipep byte %10.0g Significant Change in Condition (SCIC) Within Partial episode Payment (PEP) subtotal str16 %16s Subtotal lupa str13 %13s Low Utilization Episode Payment (LUPA) othep byte %10.0g Other Episodes total str16 %16s Total rap str13 %13s Request for Anticipated Payment (RAP) grandtotal str16 %16s Grand Total * indicated variables have notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorted by: discipline