_dta: 1. mlr2011rowlookup data set up by Jean Roth , jroth@nber.org , 8 Sep 2014 cat_code: 1. Unique code used to group lookup codes 2. A code that is used to group similar lookup code lookup_code: 1. Unique code for rows and columns 2. The lookup value for the rows on the MLR template lookup_name: 1. The description for the lookup code 2. The text displayed for a code lookup_description: 1. Long description for the lookup code 2. The long text displayed for a code sort: 1. A value used to sort lookup codes obs: 295 vars: 6 8 Sep 2014 13:11 size: 107,380 (_dta has notes) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- storage display value variable name type format label variable label ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cat_code str5 %9s * Unique code used to group lookup codes lookup_code str32 %32s * Unique code for rows and columns lookup_name str131 %131s * The description for the lookup code lookup_description str192 %192s * Long description for the lookup code sort int %8.0g * A value used to sort lookup codes year int %9.0g Reporting Year * indicated variables have notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorted by: cat_code lookup_code